Thursday, September 16, 2010

The PEDIGREE Adoption Drive

As an animal lover, I couldn't pass up this opportunity!
If you feel like doing a good deed today, write a blog post or like the Pedigree Adoption Drive on facebook.
Once you do that, Pedigree donates food to an animal shelter.
Good stuff, no?
  • This year the PEDIGREE Adoption Drive is raising awareness for homeless dogs by donating a bowl of food to shelter dogs for everyone who becomes a “Fan” or “Likes” The PEDIGREE Adoption Drive on Facebook. So far more than 1  million bowls have been donated.
  • Special for BlogPaws West: For each blog that posts about the PEDIGREE® Adoption Drive through September 19th, PEDIGREE® will donate a bag of their new Healthy Longevity Food for Dogs to shelters nationwide. It’s simple: Write a post, help a dog.
  • Thursday, September 16 through Sunday, September 19,  the Pedigree BlogPaws bloggers will host a Blog Hop, to help raise awareness for the “Write a post, help a dog” effort.


  1. Thank you for taking the time to write this post and link up to help feed shelter dogs. Each blog spreads the word further so we can help more in need.

    Two Little Cavaliers

  2. You are wooftastic!!!! I is glad to see others helping our shelter cousins!

    giant wet kisses!

  3. Thank you so much for being a part of this! Dogs rule, but dog lovers run a close second! :)
